Edward Green – A Few New Offerings

With all the various Edward Green stock and MTO shoes that come and go through our doors, it’s been extremely difficult to keep on top of posting them on our website. For that we apologize.

Here are a few new offerings that just arrived, and are sure to leave our shop quite soon as well.

8 Responses to Edward Green – A Few New Offerings

  1. Hi Tom,

    Wonderful shoes there! I love it when classic shoes come with their own funky twists.

    Anyways, I was just wondering, what’s the smallest size you carry for EG? I wear UK5.5 on the 82. I don’t suppose you carry such a small size, right?

  2. Ben,

    Thank you for the comment. Glad you like our twists on EG classics!

    Normally we stock from UK 6, certain basic models we will order from 5.5. As far as these new models, I’m sorry to say we do not have any 5.5s. In the future if you are ever interested in a MTO, please let me know.



  3. My EG antique chestnut Fromes arrived today, and what can I say, but gorgeous! And the sizing, as suggested by Leather Soul, is right on the mark! Thanks guys, your becoming my favourite place to shop for shoes. Don.

  4. Don,

    Thank you! Glad they fit right. Appreciate your calls!



  5. JUST RECENTLY BECAME AWARE OF YOUR STORE AND THE FINE SELECTION OF G and G stock shoes you carry .However a new style called the Carlyle recently was introduced. Is it possible to order it through your store in a size 12 medium? Thanks for offering such a fine amalgamation of wonderful men shoes.

  6. Wonderful work here, Tom! I’m eyeing the Cadogan, 82 Last, Loden Green Suede. What are the chances it would ever come in a wide?

  7. Mike,

    Thank you for the comment. We only stock UK E widths which is essentially a US D or medium fitting. If you are interested in a wider fitting we would be more than happy to order it for you but it would take about 4-5 months.



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