Alden Shoes – Pitt Boots (LSBH Preview)


April 28, 2010

Just a preview of one of many new LSBH Exclusive Aldens…

To be released at Leather Soul Beverly Hills.

21 Responses to Alden Shoes – Pitt Boots (LSBH Preview)

  1. I already know that I won’t be leaving your store empty handed when I first visit, and predict that those black pitt boots will be mine!

  2. Jeremy,

    Ha! The Black Pitt Boots are one of my favorite boots thus far.



  3. aloha tom,

    i was wondering, for those of us that can’t visit you right away, will we be able to place a phone order for the pit boots when you open?


  4. Pete,

    Yes, you will be able to call Bryan at the Beverly Hills store to place a phone order as soon as we’re open.



  5. Tom- I need to setup a lot of movies if you keep creating boots like that. I need to have them all!

  6. Why are they called pitt boots and when do you open?

  7. Tom,

    the Pitt boot will be an LSBH exclusive and not available via you?


  8. Arne,

    Yes, for the time being, the Pitt Boots will only be available at LSBH. Please keep tuned to our website for more info.



  9. Hi,
    Which last are these being built on?

  10. Charles Day on

    If it’s not too much trouble, could you add a photo that shows the whole boot? I can’t tell that the Pitt really is a boot (not that I doubt you!)

    • Charles,

      Sorry! That’s why it’s a preview! I will post full pictures of this boot and all the other new models when the BH store opens.



  11. Is the pitt boot LSBH’s version of the Alden Reverse tobacco chamois boot? If not, how is it diff/better?

  12. Tom,

    Congrats on the new store – in Hawaii and LA. I was just in Hawaii – at your main store about 3 weeks ago. Very nice store and very friendly staff.

    I hope that you will carry the bigger sizes in the LA store (e.g., 12 E through 13D) for people with small feet like me. 😉

    Congrats and all the best.

    • Thank you very much Yong. Glad you got a chance to stop by the Waikiki store. Rest assured, we will try our best to stock up to 13D in Beverly Hills.



  13. 18 comments so far! That speaks volumes about how good these designs are.

    These are very nice Tom!


  14. Any chance to get the boot in a 12C, Tom?

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