Alden Shoes – #8 Shortwing for Style Forum (LSW & LSBH)

Our latest Alden model was designed for the members of Style Forum, particularly those who post and read the official Alden thread.

The combination of Horween color #8 shell cordovan and an antique edgetrim sounded like a great idea and now that we finally see it in the flesh, Style Forum was right.

A double waterlock leather sole and regular welt round out the details.

As most of our order was presold, stock is very short but based on the feedback so far, we’ll be sure to reorder again very shortly.


94 Responses to Alden Shoes – #8 Shortwing for Style Forum (LSW & LSBH)

  1. wow, those are beautiful! any chance you have a size 6D or 6.5D? if not, please let me know whenever you decide to do another pre-order. thanks!

  2. Nate,

    Thank you. We do have 6D available at LSW.



  3. hi tom, i tried calling the store but no one answered. i just left an email at to reserve a pair in 6D. please let me know if you require any additional info or would like for me to call the store again at a later time. thanks!

  4. Nate,

    Sorry, my staff has been constantly on the phone this morning. Please keep trying, I’ll put it on the side for you.



  5. Nate,

    Nevermind, got your email and we’ll take care of it!


  6. Tom,

    I preordered a pair of 9d from Brian @ lsbh. Any idea on when they might ship out? I’m travelling all next week. Thanks.

  7. Very nice. Would love the same in a longwing. Waiting for the right moment for a pair of #8 LWB, and the sole/edge trim combination here would do it for me. Maybe I’ll see that on a preorder one of these days…


  8. thanks tom! you guys are the best! =)

  9. I have the Ravello short wings you did a year or so back, and they’re a stunning shoe, I’m sure these will be incredible in person.

  10. Same as Kyle, I have the Ravello short wings and just received email from Bryan saying he is processing my order for these. Guessing I will have them either by the weekend or early next week! Awesome!

  11. THANKS tom, for making this happen!

  12. Hello, is the any chance the LSW for SF could be made up in a narrow width? I’m a 10.5 C


  13. Those look amazing. I was not sure about them when the pre-order was first going on, but I think I will have to get them on the next pre-order.

  14. Any E widths? I would need a 9E. Thanks

  15. Hi Tom/ Bryson

    Ive also pre ordered a pair. 10D. Please advice. Thank you.

  16. Tom,

    Thank you for putting this together for us, they turned out great.
    These are my 50th Birthday present to myself!

  17. Agree with Will, another vote for a #8 lw with the same sole/edge combo.

  18. Elliot,

    We only ordered one pair in 9E and it was reserved a few months after we placed the order. You can call the store to see if they still have a 9.5D. 9E is my size, but 9.5D will work too. Very, very nice shoe. I regret not pre-ordering one for myself…

  19. Do you have 7.5D in stock?

  20. Do you still have an 8.5D in stock?

  21. Love!!!! LS Didn’t have my size in L.A., but wondering if you have a 6.5 or 7 in stock in LSW? Tried to call, but no answer. Thanks!

    • Neil,

      Please try again. We didn’t answer because we were on the phone. The phone has been off the hook these past couple days.


      Tom @ LSW

  22. Hi Tom,

    8.5D still available? Ready to ship?

    Are the soles slippery? What can you do for it to have better traction?

    • Emil,

      As of this morning we do have 8.5D available. You can add a topy if you do not like the feel of leather soles, however the oiled leather sole isn’t as slippery as a standard leather sole.



  23. Hi Tom,

    If 7.5D happens to be available, I’d like to take it. Thank you.


  24. These look amazing. Do you have them in a straight 10? If so, how do I get them! Must Haves for sure.

  25. That’s great Tom. How do I order? Kindly send me the details via email.

    Thanks. 🙂

  26. Hey Tom,
    I take it this means my pair of 7.5Ds has arrived? Looking forward to them.


    • Ted,

      Yes, we have your pair. Sorry we’re taking so long to contact everyone, it’s been very hectic. If it’s ok, I will take care of them and get them out to you.



  27. Tom, please contact me by email before sending.

  28. mine came in the mail today, all i can is WOW!!! thanks again tom for making this happen, and thanks to ken for his incredible service from start to finish!

  29. If there’s a pre-order on these for the next run, I want in ’cause I wear a non-stock size.

  30. Any cigar shell Alden in 12e?

  31. Hi Tom,

    What’s the situation with preorders? I put a $100 deposit on a 9.5D a while back. I understand you’re busy but when you get a chance, please let me know if mine are in.



    • Tarang,

      Sorry for the delay. We had a large amount of preorders, about 50, and since Bryson left us we’ve been having a hard time keeping up. We have your preorder and will contact you to confirm asap. If you would like to speed up the process, please just shoot us an email to confirm it’s ok to charge your balance and ship and that will save a few steps. Sorry for the delay again and thank you for bearing with us during this busy time.


      Tom @ LSW

  32. Hi Tom,
    Do you have size 8D?

  33. If you have these in 8.5 D, could you email me?

  34. Tom, Takuya
    thanks again for making this happen

  35. Hi Tom,

    I pre-ordered this shoe through Bryson. Will we get notified when it’s available?


  36. Do you have a 8.5 or 9.0 US?

  37. Just got off with Bryan to confirm mine…can’t wait to see them live.

    Thanks again guys for such a great shop.


  38. Matt,

    Found a 8.5D here. If you are interested please let us know!



  39. Hi,

    Got mine yesterday. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

  40. Hi Tom,

    Thank you! I was late to preorder (I only discovered Alden in December last year), but mine arrived here in Australia earlier today. They’re beautiful – I like them more than my cigar LWB. Oh, and thanks for the chocolates, too.


  41. Tom,

    Thanks for the reply. I’m going to have to wave off on these, maybe the next go around. Thanks for your reply.



  42. hi,

    is there still 8.5D available?


  43. hi,

    is 8.5D still available?


  44. Just wanted to say how much I love these shoes. I expected them to be fantastic and they’ve exceeded those expectations. Thank you Tom for faciltating this and I’ll continue to keep an eye on the blog for future exciting creations.

  45. I am wondering if you still have size 9.5 US in stock. I am located in Hong Kong. So does Leather Soul ship internationally?

  46. Tom,
    I would like to order one of these in an 11C for the next run.
    How do I have to proceed?

  47. Yuen,

    I bought a 9.5 US from Tom. I’ve worn them twice (14 hours total wear). They’re too big for me and without a sports insole or something similar won’t fit me correctly.

    I’d happily sell them to you if you’re interested. Please contact me via the ‘Ask’ button on my blog ( and let me know if you are interested. I’ll send photos of them in their current state.


  48. Hey it’s been a while since new shoes? What’s going on 🙂

    • Elias,

      Sorry, Takuya and I have been away for over a week in Asia and we’ve also been busy with the construction so the updates have been held back. We are getting a few new makeups later this week so please stay tuned.



  49. I don’t see any info here for a 10.5 (US). Any availability?


  50. This is making me really want a #8 longwing with the antique edge trim

  51. Tom: Any chance of a pair of 12.5?

  52. Hi Tom,

    Do you still have size 8 or 8 1/2??

  53. Sir,

    I understand that this shoe type is sold out, but you plan to put it on offer soon. Do you have further details as to when that will be the case. Further, where can I find a brochure with the range of shoes you have on offer?

    Best wishes


  54. I was wondering if you have a size 8.5 width C.
    I only have modified last shoes with C width but if you think D width is fine with me,
    I’ll go with it.

  55. A shot in the dark, but are there any 11’s left? If not, I’d love to pre-order for the next run.

  56. Hey Tom and Co,
    I’m still kicking myself for not placing my name on the preorder for these when the idea was sparked on SF as my size was sold soon after they came in before I got a chance buy them. These were hugely popular as they are just awesome, so are there any plans on the horizon to reorder/preorder them again in the near future?

    Keep up the great work guys!

    • Ian,

      We actually did another preorder and expect more later this year. If you are interested in a size email us and we can check availability.



  57. Any chance of a 8.5 in the next shipment?

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