Edward Green – Simple is Best

For certain things in life, simple is best. Our friend HT could not have chosen a more beautiful design for his Edward Green made-to-order shoe.

The Farringdon is a simple long vamp 3 eyelet plain toe blucher. The extremely rare whiskey shell cordovan’s beauty truly shines through in this design. A HAF sole (double leather that tapers to single leather at the waist) is a perfect match for this versatile blucher.

Farringdon, 888 Last, Whiskey Shell Cordovan, MTO

6 Responses to Edward Green – Simple is Best

  1. Edward Green x Whisky Cordovan = Life savings… but totally worth it.

  2. Tom’s sense of style, product knowledge and outstanding customer service resulted in the nicest looking and best fittng pair of shoes I have ever owned.
    As understated as these shoes are I have recieved compliments on them every time I’ve worn them. Thanks again Tom.

  3. Dear LSH

    Do you happen to carry this shoe ready to wear in calf?

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