John Lobb – Our Collection


March 22, 2010

When you enter our shop the first thing you that greets you is our main dining table featuring shoes by John Lobb. Our current collection includes twelve different offerings.

Please feel free to ask for your choice of scotch, it’s the perfect companion while browsing our collection.

4 Responses to John Lobb – Our Collection

  1. Bill Woodward on

    Mr. Park,
    The environment you have created for your customers is second only to the service you provide. What an impressive layout of beautiful shoes.
    My very best wishes,

  2. Mr. Woodward,

    Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate your words because you have actually visited my shop and for that I thank you.

    April 15 will be re-grand opening party time here in Waikiki. Great food, beer & wine, entertainment, and great company, all benefiting Hawaii Children’s Cancer Foundation. I’d love for you to join us but of course I realize it’s not as easy as jumping in your car.

    Hope to see you again,


  3. I came over last summer with my son.
    Thanks to you, we had a good time with Mr. Ken Morimoto and Tom-san.
    Actually,we plan to visit your shop on this Saturday(3rd of April,2010).
    I’ll be looking forward to coming over your brand-new shop.
    Also I would like to enjoy browsing your fabulous collection.
    Congratulations for opening your shop!

    • Fujii-San,

      Thank you very much for the comment. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday. Ken-San will be here from 6pm-10pm.

      Aloha and have a safe flight!


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