Alden Shoes – Ravello Shell Cordovan Chukka Boots (LSW & LSBH)

Ravello shell cordovan chukka boots are now available at LSW and LSBH! Grab a pair of these extremely rare beauties while you can!


39 Responses to Alden Shoes – Ravello Shell Cordovan Chukka Boots (LSW & LSBH)

  1. Tom,

    What kind of soles on these?

  2. Chris,

    Double leather sole.


  3. Tom – Do you have any in 10.5d or 11d? Are these on Barrie last?

  4. Tom,

    Are these beautiful pair on the Barrie last. On the van last my size is 8-d. Monk Strap Oxford I’m size 81/2-d. Should I order these pair in 8-d, or 81/2-d?

  5. Got any in 7.5E?

  6. Ike,

    Sorry, we are sold out in both 8D and 8.5D. For future reference you would probably be a 8D on the Barrie.



  7. Max,

    As it states above, only 6-12D were ordered.



  8. We are now SOLD OUT at Leather Soul Waikiki.

    Please contact Bryan at Leather Soul Beverly Hills. He has a few pairs remaining as of today.

  9. Hey Tom,

    The Ravello sure goes quickly. Would you happen to have any Ravello longwings in the works?

  10. Jacob,

    Well, we actually released these a few days earlier in-store, but still, yes, ravello goes pretty quick.

    Sorry, no ravello longwings on order.



  11. hello. I’ve emailed to KUNI earlier, and he answered.
    Have you filed my order?
    I’ m waiting to receive a mail with conformaition.
    But never replied yet….

  12. Hi Tom
    Do you remember me?
    Can I order 7D?

  13. 9D still available? Thank you.

  14. Ben,

    We are sold out here at LSW. Please give Bryan a call at LSBH, he may have it in stock. (310)248-2399.



  15. Hi Tom ,

    The Barrie Last is larger or smaller than Trubalance last ? Still have 6D?



  16. Andy,

    Barrie fits just about the same as the Trubalance. Sorry, we are sold out.



  17. These shoes (Alden Shoes) – Is there still 7.5D of Ravello Shell Cordovan Chukka Boots)?

  18. I was in the BH store about 2 weeks ago and asked if any cordovan chukkas were in stock in any colors other than No. 8 or black, was told by Brian that they were never stocked and if you did get some odd colors of shell they certainly wouldn’t be used on chukkas. I ended up spending the money I had set aside elsewhere. Very disappointed.

    • Rob,

      Sorry for your disappointment. It is my fault, not Bryan’s. I did not tell him about these. I did tell him and the rest of my staff, going forward we’d be focusing on non-basic models when we were allocated ravello and whiskey because other stores were making up basic models with their allocations.

      These chukkas were ordered back in July of 2009 in anticipation of the Beverly Hills store, before I decided to focus more on non-basic models with our allocations of ravello and whiskey.

      Either way, it is my fault for not letting my staff know about all of our incoming models. Please do not fault Bryan as he did not know.

      If you would like further explanation, please feel free to call me at the Waikiki shop, (808)922-0777. I am normally here M-F 9am-2pm.



  19. Just to register, again, my disappointment at seeing something like this — among many other singular shoes — offered in such a limited range of sizes. Please consider either expanding the range or offering special orders for those of us who are beyond the traditional sizes.

  20. Martin,

    I honestly apologize for your disappointment. Please realize how impossible it is for us to appease our literally thousands of customers with size runs of 24-36 pairs of shoes.



  21. Any of these left in Size 11D?

  22. Justin,

    Please feel free to call LSBH at (310)248-2399.



  23. Hi Tom,

    Please, any of these left in Size 9?

    Thank you

  24. Hi Tom,

    Please, any of these left in Size 9? Thank you


  25. Hi Tom,

    These are my dream shoes!!
    I would like is size 10.5D available.
    Thank you so much!


  26. Is it possible to order a pair of these chukkas in 8E? I would be willing to wait.

    Do you happen to have an email list serve for other/future pre-orders?

    Appreciate any help…


  27. Hi Tom,

    Just wondering if you are likely to be getting anymore of these, nobody in the US sends over seas. Much appreciate a response.

    Jamie. UK.

  28. Alden Shoes – Ravello Shell Cordovan Chukka Boots

    do you have 7.5E or 8D size?

  29. Hello –

    I was fortunate to purchase a pair of these via Alden NYC in an odd size. I am curious how you recommend taking care of the Ravello Shell?? I am out of my element here….


    • Don,

      Brushing with a horsehair brush is the main thing, once in a while you can use some paste wax or cordovan polish.



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