Edward Green – New Color, Chameleon Antique


June 8, 2009

One of Edward Green’s amusing new colors, Chameleon Antique:

We would love to hear how you would wear this shoe in the comments below.

Dover, 606 Last, Chameleon Antique

8 Responses to Edward Green – New Color, Chameleon Antique

  1. Bone tan cotton or linen trousers, navy polo shirt

  2. Obviously Jeans would be an option. Maybe a light blue suit would work with the colour too. I have to admit I am quite attracted to the colour as it is definitely out of the ordinary.

  3. a Brown suit….espcially a tobacco brown linen summer suit would be just the right complement for these shoes

    I would venture to say a slightly green toned Donkey flannel would be awesome

  4. I have a similarly colored pair of two-eyelet derbies from St. Crispin’s that I get alot of compliments on from the ladies.

  5. James Tillerson on

    Tom, not a fan of the color. Looks quite morbid.

  6. Great ideas guys, thank you.

    I understand your view James T.



  7. Love the color. I can see myself wearing this with maybe an off-white or cream linen suit.

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