Alden Shoes – Cigar Indy Boot (LSW)

We have just received a small re-stock of the cigar shell cordovan Indy Boot. Most have been already sold but we do have some still available for sale.


39 Responses to Alden Shoes – Cigar Indy Boot (LSW)

  1. Tom
    Do you have a 10?

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Hi Greg,

    Sorry, only 10.5D at the moment.

    Merry Christmas to you too.



  3. hello do you have 7 or 7.5?

  4. do you have a 9 or 9.5?

  5. I Know it’s a long shot, any left in a 11.5 ?

  6. Please save an 8.5 for me Tom. PLEASE!!

  7. Any chance you guys will restock these any time soon?

  8. aloha tom,
    the cigar indy are outstanding

  9. Tom obviously has a perfered list. The question for us being played like shmucks is how do we get on?

  10. Karl,

    It’s a touchy subject for many but I will be honest with you and everyone reading. We do give preference to customers with long histories with us when we release hard to get items such as cigar, whiskey, ravello, and color #4.

    Please understand this is a business. We probably get 20 walk in customers a day, 365 days a year here in Waikiki. Bryan at LSBH has his own regulars as well. I’ve been in business for over 6 years now. The website gets about 3000 different visitors a day. We do have many customers who have purchased tens of thousands of dollars with us.

    This is not to say you can’t get lucky and get a pair as a first timer. That has happened more than a few times.



  11. Karl,

    While I’m certain Tom and Bryan have repeat / preferred customers (they’d be foolish not to favor “regular” customers who purchase multiple shoes), they are %100 professional when you deal with them. I’d been looking for just this shoe for over 6 months and ended up buying a pair of #8 Jumper boots instead. Couldn’t be happier with the purchase or with the customer service.

    Give Bryan or Tom a call; that’s how I discovered they had a spare pair of Jumpers in my size – at the very least you’ll likely gain a little inside knowledge about Alden and shoes in general.

    Kind regards,


  12. Tom-

    Great boot! I hope the trip to the factory went well. I am excited to see what you have created that will come out in 2011. I would love to see some #4 wing tip boots!

    Keep me posted


  13. Please teach the stock size of this shoes.
    Are there its and #8 stocks?

  14. How much were these going for?

  15. hi there,

    re-order in any cordovan’s in the coming future?? please advice.


  16. Do you have a number 8 in stock… I would love a pair of these.

  17. Dear Sir,

    how can i make a pre order for Alden Shoes – Cigar Indy Boot (LSW) in size 8 D? Is there a waiting list?


    j huang

  18. Dear Tom,

    when are the cigar indy boots re-stock again? Do you have any indy boots in size 8 now?



  19. hey Tom!!

    do you have size 8.5???

  20. Hi Tom,

    Can I buy 2 pairs of laces of the cigar shell cordovan Indy Boot from you?
    And I would like to know if I can pay via PayPal or credit card.

    Take care,


  21. Hi Tom

    Still have size 10 ?



  22. Do you ever plan to order these again?

  23. I think Indiana Jones himself would have a hard time getting a pair of these! Right up there with the Staff of Ra!

  24. Any updates on these shoes coming back?

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